Thursday 4 December 2014

Think of the PRESENT and live BEST LIFE as a servant of God

Whenever we take any food with our hand which has got the MAGNETIC ATTRACTION, before the food goes into the mouth our breath attracts its smell.

When the food is in the mouth due to the smell, a digestive juice SPRINGS forth from our mouth.

This juice mixes with our food and the vitamins in it becomes acidic vapor spreads to all parts of the body mixed with the BLOOD.

The food we take is absorbed by our breath first, the digestive juice springs forth from our mouth and it is only then that our body is able to take it.

Trees, plants, creepers, this world and all other worlds have their TAPROOT/WATER SUCKER.

What is the taproot of man and animals? It is not the soul or body, it is the BREATH that they take and the NOSE.

If there is a change in the state of the breath that man takes, the man changes in his state.

It is on his thoughts and the breath that he takes, depends the state of his body and his life itself. 

For the hunger of the body, we eat whenever we feel hungry not thinking of the food we take had taken some time ago.

Similarly in our thoughts we should not think of the past but do what is required for the present.

When we are hungry, we think only about our hunger at that time and act.

The body does not think as to what is to be done for the hunger which will come after some time but takes food for its present hunger only.

Similarly without thinking of the past and what is to come in future, THINK OF THE PRESENT and LIVE BEST LIFE as a servant of God.

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