Monday 19 May 2014


There is no any individual as GOD in this cosmos. The power inside each and every atom is GOD. One combines with another to create, form, act etc., etc. 

Nobody can stop or destroy this creation. We can worship and live with nature we will be blessed always. Each and every creation is empowered. There is nothing waste, unwanted in this creation in whole cosmos. We can realize this.

Prayer to SOUL - Song

Oh, lovable Lord
Reign me with your grace 
With cosmic energy acquired form Cosmos
Reign me with your grace
Be harmony with my song

Always come in my thoughts  
For getting the Eternal Bliss
I surrender my mind to you.
Without you, I am not at all
Now grace me, all the endurance power
Acquired in my evolutionary cycle to attain immortal
On singing you, never make me forget about you,
Grace me the Matured Wisdom of Sages.
Be within me for ever,
To stop my selfish desire which emanates from me. 
To stop my bad deeds.
Be with me for ever

Ancient people used to worship Sun, Air, Water, Fire, Space  They love the nature and live with nature. People who realized about nature and it's energy revealed SOUL as GOD

The energy inside SOUL is heat. Under temperatures only everything form and transform to other. Vapor becomes a planet, a planet becomes star, a star becomes  sun and so on

After realizing the energy and power of nature, Great Sages merged their thoughts and deeds with their SOUL and are in immortal state now There are about billions of Sages who attained that state from our earth. we can also attain that state

What is the way to attain IMMORTAL state?
How our ancestors attained that state?
Do we realize that?