Monday 15 December 2014

The privilege of the soul to raise its state and go to Eternal world is in this SHORT LIFE of our human birth

During our life time which lasts for 60-70 years what is the use of living a life of treachery, malignity, impatience and lust? During this short time man makes his soul yield to his DESIRES.

The time during which this IMMORTAL SOUL lives in the human body is very short. It is only during this short time that the soul lives in this human body that it has got the privilege of raising up to state in which it can go to the Eternal world reaping the fruits of taking birth in this world.

People are ignorant of this fact and do not know that they should mend their lives inn such a way that they can SWIM across the ocean of this life and reach the GOAL of human birth. 

Our elders have built many holy places with the got from NATURE and made those places sacred and shown us the way.

But those places are now being used by the people of today as places of recreation, fun fare and all sorts of their enjoyment.

The result is that several spirits have made these holy places as their abode and enter into the bodies of LIKE MINDED persons who came there to do virtuous deeds and get their desires fulfilled. 

After completing their work they are not able to come put of these bodies, but continue living in these bodies.

People go to such places with the idea of doing some virtuous acts but they get themselves involved in the thoughts that surround that places and they are unable to do what they wanted to do.

Instead we return with bundle of sin on our head.  

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