Sunday 28 December 2014

The best OATH in Spiritualism

Our elders have given out SPIRITUAL TRUTHS in subtle form throughout the world in several states.

Those who accept and follow the path is one in billion. There is none to realize the HIGH STATE  of LIFE and teach the children.

People think that the path of Gnana (wisdom) and the path of Godliness are inaccessible for them and are afraid to take these paths.

The best way for us is to meditate during our WORLDLY LIFE.

When our body is affected by some disease we have to take more powerful medicine to control that disease. When we attain a good state in our spiritual path we are bound to be attacked by evil powers that are in this air.

We’ll have to guard ourselves against such evil powers than from the good ones and pass through UPS and DOWNS.

We’ll have to pass through these ups and downs in the rugged path experiencing all troubles, know which is bad and which is good and then TAKE THE RIGHT PATH. This is the best way.

To go in the path with disgust, being unsteady and afraid of the difficulties met with on the way is not proper.

The best state is not to feel sorry for the difficulties met with on the way but to OVERCOME them CALMLY is the best OATH in Spiritualism.

We the children of Nature should drive out the darkness in our life, get the DIVINE LIGHT into us and live a good spiritual life.

Our blessings to all who read this.

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