Saturday 22 November 2014

By Meditation we can attain FLYING STATE

How is the world going to change its state? The change has already taken in some state and is in progress in some others.

When the change is going to take place in a moment that is, when a big flood comes and washes a town it is not going to differentiate between good and bad persons before it acts.

When nature brought us on this earth, IT DID NOT DIVIDE US  as good and bad people. In the same way it is going to WIPE OUT without any DISCRIMINATION.

Some parts of the world will remain as they are and in some others there will be changes.

In this great change that is going to take place on account of the slight change in the circular velocity and the inclination of the axis of the earth how people are going to survive is by the effect of their GOOD DEEDS in their previous generations by which they will get the POWER TO FLY in the air by the grace of Sages and the power that hey have obtained by their meditation.

It is not that in family of  eight members six will die and two will be saved. This is the state of entire world.

It is only who escape from this who get the flying state and then come to the living state having new life.

Once we get the flying state then we'll know the real state.

These lessons are given so that EACH PERSON can realize these by himself the fruits of good actions.

If we can understand the meaning of what our elders have said namely, "our shadow will follow us wherever we go" then we can go to Eternal world.

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