Sunday 7 September 2014

Start flying in the air by Divine grace acquired through your Meditation -"OM"

For vegetation life lies in its water sucker. Its attraction lies towards gravitational force when it gets the sun’s rays.

For man the water sucker LIFE LIES in the FOREPART of the head BETWEEN THE EYEBROWS. As soon as the sun’s rays fall on him his breath circulates round him.

The water sucker for this world is the sound of the word “OM”. During meditation you can hear the sound OM.

When you come to a good meditative state your breathing will get automatically regularized with your routine life. This is the first step in your spiritual advancement.

The next which may also be considered as the first step is your forgetting the breath and hearing the sound of OM.

Good breath comes from your thoughts, words and actions. When you are in a happy mood the bad smell there will not approach you. Your state of breathing will not accept any bad smell.

When your thoughts and breath get depressed no good smell will reach you. By saying “take a good breath” I mean your thoughts and breath should be good. This is MEDITATION.

When you have good thoughts even any small or big ailments in your body will not be felt by you. DISEASE WILL NOT APPROACH A MAN WHO IS HAPPY and whose thoughts and breath are good.

Disease approaches a man who is depressed in his spirits. What we call bad times and the Satan comes to a man only due to his bad breath. When someone says his time is bad he runs to an astrologer or fortune teller and consults him.

Any destruction will not affect those who take good breath. The people who take good breath as a result of their good deeds will start flying in the air by their Divine grace acquired through Meditation.

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