Tuesday 30 September 2014


Human has five external senses namely eye-sight, taste of tongue, smelling, hearing and thinking.

If he finds he has secured the DIVINE GRACE God he should not get perturbed and jump in his thoughts. He should be steady in mind and try to utilize his powers in a good way. The same applies to other senses also.

It is only human beings who are endowed with this capacity to control the senses. Animals do not have this ability.

Human who is endowed with the POWER OF CONTROLLING HIS SENSES does not do but thinks that he can enjoy all the worldly pleasures so long he lives and with greediness lets and MISUSES HIS SENSES.

Human who has six senses tries to cheat others. He utilizes his black magic to destroy his own race with the help of his own race.

He does not realize that the HARM HE INTENDS TO DO TO OTHERS -- REACTS ON HIM.

The life that a man leads thinking always about others is not a good life. You may say that a man who is thinking always of himself is a selfish man.

What I mean is you realize yourself, get the divine grace, you work for your own good and let others be benefited by you.

Do not be worried of others talk ill of you or be eager to get their praise, but rely on yourself. SUCH A LIFE IS A HAPPY ONE.

We do not live for the sake of others. We should not be affected by the praise of others or the scolding of others.

Having malicious feeling about others or praising others does not constitute a good life. A man's mind is always boiling. You should be CALM and HAVE CONTROL YOUR SENSES.

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