Thursday 5 February 2015

Family life is the best way for doing MEDITATION

Those who have followed the lessons given so far would have entered the path of GNANA (WISDOM). Every soul that absorbs what has been said (in its thoughts) and puts the same into action will surely get gnana.

We should consider GNANA (wisdom) as a treasure and preserve it carefully. In the course of our meditation we will drive out all the evil powers in us and the power that we absorb in us will SHINE in us.

The power that we acquire should be preserved carefully and should not be used to DASH AGAINST the EVIL powers that some other person has got, trying to put down those evil powers.

This treasure that we have gained should be used to work in co-ordination with the power of Nature and should not be wasted by using it against nature.

In the same way if we think of the people with evil thoughts, their evil thoughts will come and affect us.

Even after if we get into the path of meditation, our thoughts, words and deeds should not be on those who have got evil thought, say evil words and do bad things.

No one can change the breath that the bad people have been taking and their attainment. In order that their evil thoughts may not attack us we should pray to God to give them good thoughts.  

If we pray in this manner and proceed in our path of gnana, we will absorb power from the Universe and know that we are not separate from Nature, the Universal Power.

As your soul gets more and more power we will be able to contact any of the sages or rishis in the higher regions by our thoughts during our meditation and increase our power by their grace.

This is the way to get ourselves merged with Nature. This should be done leading a family life. Sabdha rishis have reached their state leading family life.

It is not those who lead the life as an ascetic, living in forests or in caves, in mountains, taking intoxicating drugs and remain in a state forgetting themselves, that get into the graceful state.

Meditating in the open exposing the body to severe weather conditions like heat, cold and rain is not the proper way.

To do it leading a family life is the best way.

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