Even today in this world spiritualism, righteousness, love,
affection, bhakthi, charity and other good qualities are growing.
It is only for the sake of the persons having the above good
qualities in them, that the EARTH IS DOING ITS DUTY till today.
Though people have in their thoughts both good and evil, it is
evil that predominates and grows quicker than the good thoughts.
It is not that the people of today only that live with evil
thoughts. It is thoughts of the souls that have left their bodies and are now
in the spirit world around us that counts for the major part of these evil
thought waves.
There are in the spirit world souls with good feelings. It is on
account of good feelings of those souls that are now with physical bodies that
the Rishis are able to save this earth to this day.
In the state in which so many atom bombs and other poisonous
things have been made artificially by man, which can destroy the world in a
moment, the reason why this world stands saved from the action of all these is
the Power of the Rishis for the good souls that are in this world.
GREAT SAGES are trying to take all the people of this world to
the higher regions so that they may not TAKE BIRTH as a life atom and pass
through various births for several thousands of years, awaiting to get a human
body AGAIN when they will have the next chance to raise their soul to a higher
Know the present state and act in the right way.