Thursday 2 October 2014

Treasure for the soul

The people of today are not plain spoken. They like to be praised praised by others and live for others.

Whatever we may eat, our body TAKES ONLY that portion WHICH IS GOOD and rejects the rest of it. When our body is provided with this ability we should give our soul a GREATER ABILITY.

There are around us people with good thoughts as well as bad thoughts. In us there are millions of atoms of various qualities.

We should not be influenced by bad atoms and bad thought-waves. Our breath should take only good things and reject the bad ones.

People who live for others, that is those who do things get the praise of others or those who criticize or praise others FORGET THEIR OWN SOUL.

Today even those who do some good to the people do so for the praise of others. Such actions do not do any good to soul. 

The time is such that hungry men who have no means of earning their food, others try to cheat and fool you.

EVEN GOOD PEOPLE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIVE AS GOOD MEN. To lead a successful life in the present world is itself a treasure for the soul.

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