Monday 20 October 2014

Attain the state of seeing through the Spiritual Eye

When we live in various states namely angry, calm, hating, depressed and happy, at each particular state the breath that we take guides our inner, outer and spiritual eyes.

During life we are bound to be happy and sorrowful. What is the use of thinking about what we have got or going to get hereafter?

Everyone should attain the state of seeing through the spiritual eye and get food for our soul. Our body and our thoughts are not operating our soul. We get everything through our breath.

We are under the impression that our body acts only when we think. We are under the impression that a thing comes our thought only after our eyes see it.

From where do we get the light for our sight? Before we see a thing with our eyes, it is FROM THE BREATH that we take that we draw the light rays to our eyes.

The light for our eyes comes from our breath. When we draw our breath IT ACTS IN ALL OUR ORGANS.

All the states that we have absorbed in our breath during our lifetime are recorded. What we have seen through our breath comes to our memory after many days. How does it come?

It is not only the sound waves of our talk that are around us but the thought waves are also around us always.

The breath that we took while we were awake and also those that we took during our sleep are always around us.

When we see anything we do so after the breath attracts it. Before we actually see the thing the breath acts on the nerves of our thought and then only we think of seeing it.

It is only after our breath acts on the eyeball, it gets the power of seeing.

We talk of seeing with spiritual eye, seeing with inner eye and seeing with outer eye. All these sights operate only when the sight in the breath acts on them.

We can know the character of man from the rays coming out from his eyes. This depends on the breath that he takes.

When we go to a place which has a good natural scenery and when we see a man whom we do not like, CHANGES TAKE PLACE IN OUR BREATH, LOOK and in several parts of the body including our soul.

Our health depends upon the state of the breath that we take at that time. The state that affects our health that does AFFECT OUR SOUL ALSO.

We consider about the health of our body, the state of our mind but do not CONSIDER ABOUT THE STATE OF OUR SOUL.

We have forgotten the SOUL IN US and live in this world wasting our power and time making our soul to undergo many troubles.

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