Wednesday 8 October 2014

Power of the Sages

The energy coming from the rays of the sun strike the earth and then only it is absorbed by man and animals that BREATH LOOKING DOWNWARDS at the earth and their NOSTRILS are provided POINTING TOWARDS THE GROUND.

Trees and plants absorb the energy coming from the sun directly before the rays strike the ground. Hence the fruits, flowers etc, give good energy to our bodies as well as our soul.

In our meditative state by taking good breath if we can absorb the ENERGY COMING FROM THE UNIVERSE DIRECTLY before it reaches the earth, we will be acquiring those great powers.

This is the secret of the Sages who are in the ETERNAL STATE.  

If we are at that meditative state even if thousands of atom bombs are exploded, the bad atoms will not have any effect on the good breath we take.

SEVERAL BILLIONS of SAGES who are invisible to normal eyesight live in this state.

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