Thursday 16 October 2014

GURU is the means of Realization

Being born as a human beings is itself a gift obtained after long penance.

But we spend our life in this world with much confusion and fear in our minds wasting precious time. The benefits of this life lie in our leading a useful life without wasting it.

Every man has acquired certain characters from the power of Nature. This power we get before we get into the wombs of our mothers.

Though we have come in a good state we get greedy and come to a state wherein we destroy ourselves.

Our ancestors said that there lived several billions of Sages before their time. They rose up from their ordinary state. We who are also born in that state have wasted our talents

in the name of science. From that time the state of the man at his birth has not changed. There are several billions of changes in his thoughts.

At the present state even in the way of meditating God, the MAN WHO TELLS THE TRUTH IS LAUGHED AT.

If man can UTILIZE the powers LYING CONCEALED IN HIM, he can do by intelligence what science has done to him MUCH MORE.

In the present state of this world the only possible way to live serving all the lives is to meditate on SOUL.

It is quite possible for us who are born now to live like the Sages of those days.

When these things are taught people are afraid of faults in their old beliefs and live in the background.

To get rid of these we should choose one Guru from whom we can get several truths Every person according to his state can learn his first lessons only through a guru.

That guru with his powers can draw the energy from the Universe and give us during our meditation. When we meditate on them, they can attract higher states than theirs and help us to gain that state.

We should not have any fear in us and  show that we can REALIZE THE FRUITS OF TAKING THIS BIRTH.

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