Friday 8 August 2014

Stillness of our Mind

What is mind? Mind is man himself. People have compared the human mind with monkey.

The state of the monkey and man are quite different. The monkey remains in one state. If it thinks of one thing in its mind is concentrated on that only.

Since monkey jumps from branch to branch people have compared human mind to a monkey. Mind is not monkey and monkey is not mind.

The understanding of man about monkey is different. The thought of monkey will not change. Its action will also not change. It will remain in its thoughts always.

The people of today do not understand what they meant. Their tendency to jump from branch to branch only has been understood by the present day men.

From our birth we are influenced by the environments in which we are brought up, the habits of our parents and our relations. We should realize our state and stabilize it.

OUR STATE, THOUGHTS and ACTIONS should be the SAME in the DIVINE path. and not like a monkey which has one thought but goes on jumping from branch to branch.

After realizing our state we should hold on to it and NOT GOING ON CHANGING when we are criticized by someone.

Hear what others say and accept what appears to be correct for your mind. Do what you feel right, complete the work that you have undertaken, thinking that all goes as per the DIVINE PATH.

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