Monday 4 August 2014

Good thoughts - Good breathing - Good things will be done

You can feel some houses are said to be lively and some others put on a deserted look. What is the reason for this change in the very outlook?

Where people take GOOD BREATH, that is their THOUGHTS ARE GOOD the atmosphere is charged with good atoms.

The atmosphere in and around the house is charged with that type of atoms which the inmates spell out on THEIR BREATHS.

If their thoughts are good they emit good atoms and if bad or malicious they charge that atmosphere which exhibit the change in the outlook of that house.

If you have good thoughts your breath will be good. When you get a good breathing state your meditation will improve. When you can meditate properly, you can see the LIGHT WAVES MOVING.

SO, when we take good breath good things will be done pushing away all the darkness MAKING US SACRED.

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