Friday 21 April 2017

In Spiritual path we should not find fault or get disgusted with any soul

The state of Divine Light by one person will not be the same as another. Each body will proceed in the way in which it sows its seed for the spiritual progress of its acidic characters.

If two persons in different places sow the same kind of paddy seeds, the growth of their plants and their yield will depend upon the soil of the place, water, climate and the growth of the thoughts of the persons.

When the paddy grown in one field is sown in different places the output and tastes differ. In the same way the light of Gnana will shine according to the ways in which it is absorbed and worked out.

Taking one person’s state as a standard, other’s state should not be reckoned as low or high.

All the people who have proceeded in the path of Gnana, after they get Salvation and attain the state of Sabdha rishis act only in the circle in which they have grown with their acidity and character.

The way in which one person worships will not be same as another person does. The way in which one person proceeds in Gnana will not be the same as another does.

Even after getting the state Sabdha rishis one will not be like another; one planet that rotates will not be like another.

We should realize that one lives with the powers of another and all the powers come from the Almighty – Nature. We should not find fault or get disgusted with any soul.

Grow your Gnana in the way in which you have grown your acid power which is most active in you. As our elders have said we will reap only what we have sown.

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