Thursday 13 August 2015

We'll become one with GOD

When our state is uniform, the rays of GRACE from Rishis whom we meditate in our thoughts and breath, MIX WITH OUR BREATH thereby increasing our power.

Since several thousands of years from the human beings had grow up their thoughts, thoughts of several Rishis are working on this earth. This was being done as per the states of the people who lived in those days.

But now-a-days due to the thoughts of the people, their BOOK KNOWLEDGE and ARTIFICIAL WAYS OF LIVING, people are not able to CONCENTRATE their thoughts in bhakti and get into a state wherein they can combine their thoughts with those of the SABDHA RISHIS.

As conditions exist now people are not in a position to realize this. Sabdha Rishis know about this and instruct us in the ways we proceed.

At present what we need is to concentrate our thoughts and lead a SUCCESSFUL LIFE in this world and realize our state from all the states that exist now. 

To get that state and know about the real state of NATURE we have to devote all our thoughts on God.

As we concentrate our thoughts, our power merges with God, takes that power as MANURE for us and comes to a state wherein our LIFE-ATOM and BODY will become ONE with God.

When we are in such a state, no other state in this world can come near us  We should make ourselves ready for this.

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