Thursday 23 July 2015

Do we know our POWERS?

In olden days there was no means of recording and people had to LEARN by CONCENTRATING their thoughts on what was being said.

When we pour any liquid into a narrow mouthed bottle without funnel, we have to concentrate all our thoughts on the act. If our thought is diverted for a moment, the liquid spills out. 

Today from the beginning of our education we start reading from books in which the letters are written. This is just like using a funnel to pour the liquid.

By doing so we do not UTILIZE the ABSORBING capacity in us.

It is only human beings who are capable of absorbing the magnetic and acid powers to a considerable extent.

It is possible to know about the earthquake, volcanoes, lightning, thunder and formation of snow-hills that are going to take place by our ABSORBING powers.

There lived in this earth million years ago souls that were able to know about the things that are going to happen after several million years.

But today without knowing about OUR POWERS, we indulge in ARTIFICIAL life.

What is the use of living an artificial life being ALOOF from NATURE without getting the wealth for which we are eligible?

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