Tuesday 19 May 2015

Noble thoughts - Noble souls

In the olden days when the Kings were ruling the country on account of their greediness to increase their territory they invaded on their neighbor and in the war that took place several persons died and their SOULS left their bodies with ANGER and REVENGE.

It is those souls that are born now with the same old thoughts and this is the CAUSE for the present state.

How should we get out of these bad effects?

We should REALIZE as to what is the state our soul will get with these thoughts? We should get the power to live righteous life with love.

We should not discard them as bad people but making our good thoughts and breath to mix with theirs, we can purify their thoughts also and TURN them into good citizens.

We should realize the powers that our thoughts have got.

Several great souls have risen up to their high state not by meditation or austerities or by sacrifice, but they succeeded by their NOBLE THOUGHTS.

People have become Gnanies and Rishies by their noble thoughts and not by their bakthi or by worshiping the GOD.

The one who is sincere having good thoughts can become himself God.

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