Friday 19 December 2014

The food we take should be considered as AMBROSIA

When we take a different kind of food we say that our health is AFFECTED by that food.

When we think of of the the different place and different food our THOUGHTS also change.

The agitated state of mind changes our breath and the condition of the saliva changes and the capacity to digest the food decreases. We put the blame on the food.

The food that we take for our body, we should relish and take as a good one. The food we take should be considered as AMBROSIA given to us by God.

Our elders have said, You eat when you are hungry. The food when we are hungry will be relished by us and will be in a state in which it can be easily absorbed by our body.

Our elders have told us the ways to prepare various kinds of food. If we take the food we like NO DISEASE will come to the body or the mind. 

While taking food if our thoughts were shattered or we get extremely glad or sorrowful, the food that we take in that state will not be absorbed by our body.

This people should realize and avoid getting several diseases by not remaining in those states while taking food.

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