Thursday 4 September 2014

Man lives and dies only from the state of his THOUGHTS, BREATH and MIND

Man have forgotten the PRINCIPLE OF LIFE, have injected religion into it and has mixed man made things and ways into it.

This they say is the way of their living and accumulate huge wealth. For living, huge wealth is not necessary. They think about the worldly wealth only like money, house etc.

Money is not the real wealth that man should aspire to acquire.

He who is satisfied with the state he has in his life, reaping the fruits of his taking birth in this life, and bringing up the children in the right way with good habits is the one who ACQUIRES THE REAL WEALTH in this life.

One man sees another living with much more convenience than himself and develops a hatred towards him and gets depressed.

Man should have desire to live but not avarice. The bad breath that the present man takes has polluted the whole atmosphere.

For hiccough there is no medicine. Similarly there is no medicine which can change the thoughts of a man.

We say the life time of the man of today has increased. Length of life and intelligence is a gift to man. Man increases his life by his intelligence.

This has not come from the medicine; it has come from his thought; his desire to live for a long time. This thought is circulating within him always and this makes him live long.

But what is the use?

He suffers from number of diseases and his thoughts shrink. He does not die because of his life is over. His thoughts and heart shrink; a FEAR is created inside him and his spirit departs from him in a depressed state.

It is not by magic or medicine that a man can live long. MAN LIVES AND DIES only from the state of his THOUGHTS, BREATH and MIND.

In whatever state a man may be, if he only HAS A WILL TO LIVE he can live long by CONCENTRATING his THOUGHTS on Him who is within Him. Live a BLISSFUL life.

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